The Number of Regular Direct Flights Between Mainland and Taiwan Increased

Today, CACC (the Civil Aviation Administration of China) said another six cities, including Hefei, Harbin, Nanchang, Guiyang, Ningbo and Jinan are joining mainland cities in operating direct passenger flights between mainland and taiwan. There will be 270 flights per week in total.
The previous 108 direct passenger flights were classed as charter flights, but the coming flights will comprise both regular charter and scheduled flights.
25 out of 27 cities in mainland will launch scheduled direct passenger flights form Monday to Saturday.
History about transportaion between mainland and Taiwan
On Nov.4 last year (2008), regular direct passenger flights bagan to operate, before that, flights were only available on weekend or during the traditional festivals.
On Dec.15 last year (2008), direct air and sea transport links and postal services began to operate.

Education System In China

In this post, I will have a brief introduction of China's education system. It's not in detail, but I think you will have a outline of China's education.
Pre-school or kindergarten is suitable for children older than 3 years old. This is not free, parents who want their children to take pre-school, they have to pay tuition. Childre older than 6 years old usually go to primary school, the children in pre-school usually is 3 to 6 years old.
Primary School
In China, attending primary school and junior middle school is free of charge, it is called compulsory education. Free of charge means no tuition, but you have to pay textbooks and insurance, it's not expensive. Because of Project Hope, in some parts of China, especially in western China, parents don't need  to pay anything, the government or charity organization will help them to pay.
In China, primary school last for 6 years, mainly focus on Chinese and Maths, they will have other courses, such as English, Geography, Science, Physic Education.
Junior Middle School
Junior middle school is a continuation of primary shcool, students study the same core subjects, but at a higher level. Junior middle school is free of charge to, like primart school, students have to pay textbooks and insurance.
After Junior middle shcool, there are two ways for students to choose, one way is senior middle school and the other is vocational school. Senior middle school is more popular, but students have to take an exam, students with enough marks are able to take senior middle school.
Senior Middle School
Senior middle school is a continuation of junior middle school, but at grader two, they have to choose science or humanities curricula. No matter what curricula students choose, they both will have Chinese, Mahts and English. After they finished senior middle school, they have to attend national college entrance exam.
Students have to pay tuition during senior middle school, it's not free of charge any more.
Tertiary Education
Different university have different pass marks at national college entrance exam, better universities always have higher pass marks. Generally speaking, better universities always have better education facilities and equipments.
Undergraduate usually last 4 years, but colleges often last 3 years. Students have to pay tuition for tertiary education, sometime it is expensive, some major like software engineering, students have to pay 15,000 RMB per academic year, but normally, it is about 5,000 to 7,000 RMB per academic year.
With this article, do you have a brief of China's education system?

Have a Second Child for Shanghai Parents

Now, the government encourage one-child parents of shanghai parents to have a second child in order to solve the aging problem.
A report from Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission said the city's registered residents over 60 exceeded 3 million, accounting for almost 22 percent of the total population.
The city's authorities have launched a campaign to encourage couples who are themselves only children to have a second child, the first time in decades the government has pushed for more babies and the way to solve the city's rapidly aging problem.
Some one want to have another child but some one don't, because according to a report made by East China Normal University this June revealed that in Shanghai it costs 118,000 yuan (US$17,353) to raise a child to the age of six. It's pretty expensive.

The Most Aristocratic Charity School in China

The China Overseas Three Gorges Primary School, built with a donation of 3.5 million yuan (about 512,250 US dollars) from a Hong Kong-based company, opened in Yunyang County of Chongqing on Wednesday, is the most Aristocratic Charity School in China.
Here is the picture of this school:
The chateau-style appearance and it's luxury havs drawn strong criticism, they said it is a waste of money, some one even calculated accurately and said the money spent on this charity school is enough to build 17 normal schools.
Howerver, the students of this school are very happy to see their new school, they are really excited. They only have to pay 30 yuan for their textbooks per year. Besides, school accommodation costs 1,400 a year, or 8 yuan a day. It's not expensive.
No matter what the school likes and other people say, we should thank the development group and their money for the beautiful school.