Photos of China's First Spacewalk

I copied these two photos from the Ineternet, I think this is the most popular photo in China now!
The following photos show Zhai is getting out the spaceship.

He's waving Chinese flag!

shenzhou 7 is a successful mission

This afternoon, about 68 hours in the space, three astronauts came back successfully! Now, I will show you pictures of the landing.
shenzhou 7 spaceship
shenzhou 7 spaceship
shenzhou 7 spaceship
shenzhou 7 spaceship
shenzhou 7 spaceship
shenzhou 7 spaceship

shenzhou 7 spaceship
It was an exciting time when the spaceship was landing!
All the pictures are come from the Internet!

Shenzhou 7 Manned Spaceship and Spacewalk

China's third manned space mission Shenzhou-7 finished its last rehearsal before blast-off. According to the plan, Shenzhou 7 launch is scheduled between Sept. 25 and 30 at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern Gansu Province depending on the weather. There are six astronauts participated the rehearsal, three of them will go to the space and the other three are substitutes, one of them is scheduled to take a walk in outer space, both of them are fully confident about the launch.

Rlated News:
1.China's manned spacecraft Shenzhou-7 in final preparation for launch
2.Chinese astronauts for Shenzhou-7 mission arrive at launch center
3.Commander: ground team ready for Shenzhou-7 spacecraft launch
4."Shenzhou-7 souvenir jade medals" on display
5.Optimal conditions set for spacewalk
6.Chinese astronauts begin training for spacewalk(more than one year ago)
7.China's spacewalk on course for October
8.China satellite base suspends tourism during spacecraft launch
9.NW China sandstorm no threat to launch of Shenzhou-7 spacecraft

Tainted Milk Powder Issue

From the latest news, 432 infants suffered from kidney because of contaminated milk powder. Sanlu Group has been halted and all the milk powder have been recalled back.
Here is a list of all the reports about Sanlu Tainted Milk Powder Issue.
1. Sanlu to recall milk powder
2.China reports 432 infants with kidney stones, production of Sanlu halted
3.Health ministry: Tainted milk powder not sold abroad so the foreigners do not need to worry about it.
4.Stores in China pull contaminated milk powder off shelves
5.China's Sanlu admits contamination of baby milk powder products