Pingtan Island and Special Economic Zone

Crosspost from Pingtan Island and Special Economic Zone
According to the latest news from Fujian provincial authorities, Pingtan Island will be transformed into a special economic zone in order to promote industrial cooperation with Taiwan.
Pingtan Island is the fifth largest island in China, it's 28 km from Fuzhou, the capitcal of Fujian province, and 120 km from Taiwan.
Because of its unique and strategic location, the government is going to build a special economic zone to enhance cross-straits industrial cooperation.

No Abnormal Reactions Reported after A/H1N1 Vaccinations

In previous post, we talk about people in Beijing took the lead in China to get A/H1N1 vaccinations. Now, the local health official said that there is no abnormal reactions found.  About 10,000 students and the celebrations participants received the vaccinations, none of them had abnormal reactions.

Beijing Starts A/H1N1 Vaccinations

The municipal health authorities announced today that Beijing took the lead in China to start A/H1N1 vaccination program.
The students who take part in the National Day celebrations are the first to be vaccinated, and then the other college, middle school and primary school students.
The vaccination is free of charge, the citizens made their decisons by themselves if they want the vaccination.
All of the 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on China have reported A/H1N1 cases, but there have been no death reported yet.

Photos of Tian'anmen Square Before National Day Celebration

The 60th National Day Celebration is approaching, and the preparing is almost done. Let me show you some photos of recent Tian'anmen square. It's beautiful.
It's glorious.

A/H1N1 is Getting Serious in China

All 31 provinces in China have reportd H1N1 cases, data from the Ministry of Health, the total confirmed cases of the H1N1 reached 10,000 in China, and 1,118 new cases confirmed in the last 48 hours. Most of the newly confirmed cases were domestic-spreading cases, not imported cases.
Of all the cases, 6,098 victims have recovered, and there have been no death yet. The A/H1N1 trend is spreading form city to rural and east to west.
Beijing started inoculating last Wednesday, the first people to get vaccinated are residents over 60 years old and primary and middle school students.

New Space Center Construction Begins in Hainan, China

China hold a cornerstone laying ceremony for the construction of the new space center in Hainan today. The new space center is located in Wenchang City, on the northeast coast of Hainan Province, about 60 kilometers form Haikou, which is the capital city of Hainan Province. According to the schedular, the space center will be completed by 2013.
The director of the space center said this space center is the fourth and the lowest latitude one in China, only 19 degrees north of the equator. This space center will be mainly used for launching synchronous satellites, heavy satellites, large space stations, and deep space probe satellites. Vice president of the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology Liang Xiaohong said this center is likely to be the launch base for China's new-generation Long March 5 rocket, which is under development and will be put into service in 2014.

China's Imports, Exports Drop 20.6% in August

China's foreign trade figures continued to fall in August, but compared with July, the downward rate slowed.
The total value of imports and exports for August was 191.7 billion U.S. dollars, a decrease of 20.6 percent compard with the same month last year.
Imports dropped 17 percent compared with the same month last year, the value is 88 billions, but an increase of 3.4 percent from July.
Exports dropped 23.4 percent compard with the sanme month last year, the value is 103.7 billions, but an increase of 1 percent form July.

Drunken Drivers May Get Death Penalty in Shanghai

According to the notice published by Shanghai police on their website, Drunken drivers convicted of jeopardize public safety may be sentenced to death in Shanghai. Besides, the notice also said drunken driving will have their licenses revoked for at least 3 months and be fined 500 RMB.
We have to know that not all drunken drivers may be sentenced to death, only the drunken drivers who don't care people's life and property when violating traffic regulations.
China is ongoing a two-month national campaign caughting drink driving, so there is no possible of lenient punishments.

China's August CPI and PPI Both Dipped

According to the National Bureau of Statistics' conference today, China's consumer price index (CPI) dipped 1.2 percent in August, and China's producer price index (PPI) dipped 7.9 percent in August.
China's CPI dipped 1.8 percent and PPI dipped 8.2 percent in July, 2009.
This is official data and it shows that the trend of inflation is not true.

German Drunk Driver Got 15 Days of Detention in Xi'an, China

The man was the first foreigner caught drink driving in China. He got 15 days detention in Xi'an and fined 1,500 yuan (about 219 U.S. dollars).
The German Embassy has requestd the police not to release the man's name and identity to the public, so the police said the man was 38 and have an EU driving license, but no Chinese driving license. It is illegal, because if you want to drive a car in China, you should have chinese driving license first.
The accident was serious, the German KIA sedan hit the rear of a Jetta sedan, both vehicles were seriously damaged, fortunately, no one was injured in the accident.
Hello friends, if you want to drive a car in China, you should have Chinese driving license first, secondly, you should not drink and obey Chinese driving rules.
We are having two-month national compaign to caught drink drivers now, no drink before drive.

High-Speed Railway Network Started in China

China is very vast, it will cost you a long time if you travel form one place to another by ordinary trains, but now, a high-speed railway network covers 13,000 kilometers is scheduled to be completed in three years.
There are eight tunnels, four tunnels running from north to south and other four running form east to west. It will serve most major cities in China.
Here is a list of north-south trunks
1, from Harbin in Heilongjiang Province to Beijing.
2, from Beijing to Shanghai.
3, from Xiamen to Shenzhen.
4, from Beijing to Guangdong.
The following is a list of east-west trunks
1, from Taiyuan to Jiaodong Peninsula.
2, from Xi'an to Zhengzhou.
3, from Chongqing to Shanghai.
4, from Hangzhou to Kunming.
The above eight tunnels cover most major cities in China, it is said the speed will reach more than 250kms per hour, it amazing, it will shorten a lot of boring time on train when you are travelling around China.
There is no news about the ticket price now, I think it will more expensive than ordinary ticket price, may be double.

A/H1N1 Flu Vaccination Begins in China

In order to fight against A/H1N1 which is expected to surge in future, the Chinese government start vaccination in the coming week. Several days ago, the first domestic A/H1N1 Flu Vaccine got its production license.
Cluster outbreaks of A/H1N1 have increased sharply, it is reported that there are 128 cases of cluster outbreaks report since the end of June, especially when schools reopened. Many cluster outbreaks happened in schools.
The 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China is getting closer, the people who attend the 60th anniversary will be the very first people to get vaccinations. Then, the vaccination will start in areas where flu situations are serious.
China's ability to produce A/H1N1 flu vaccine is limited while compared with it's 1.3 billion of population, so the priority vaccination is necessary.

Large Amphibious Aircraft is on Work

Large Amphibious Aircraft, which is for fire-fighting and rescue missions, is on work. This news is from official Aviation Industry Corppration of China.
The aircraft would be able to touch down and glide to draw water for fire-fighting, it will have a capacity of 12 tonnes of water. Besides, this aircraft is alao able to provide a rescue service for 50 people at a time.
Market research shows the demand of this type of aircraft in the domestic market would be 50 in the near future, it is a small number, but the overseas market will be bigger.
The building schedule planed the maiden flight will be in 2013, and get a civil aviation certificate form the government the year after.

Kaifu Lee is Quitting Google China

Kaifu Lee, the president of Google's operations in China, will leave his post in the middle of this month.
Four years ago, Lee left Microsoft and joined Google, Microsoft sued Google, Google countersued, the two big corporations reached a out-of-court settlement at last.
It is said Lee planed to leave Google during July, but CCTV broadcast that google's search result contains illegal contents, Lee have to stay and solve the tough problem.
During the last four years, Lee did a lot, and improved a lot.
After leave, Lee will work on an unkonwn venture. Liu Yun will take place of Lee.

A/H1N1 Flu Vaccine Got a Production License

A/H1N1 flu vaccine produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company Sinovac got the first H1N1 Flu vaccine production license.
The State Food and Drug Administration said that the Sinovac's vaccine passed SFDA's experts evaluatin on Aug 31, and it's name is Panflu 1.
Panflu 1 could safely be given to people who aged from 3 to 60 years old. Every shot is 15 microgram dose.
The vaccine would be reserved by the governement instead of going on public market, and the government will make out an overall plan and decide certain high-risk groups who will get priority vaccination.
Another A/H1N1 flu vaccine produced by Hualan Biological Enginnering will be evaluated this week. Hualan's vaccine is suitable for people over 3 years old.
China would be able to produce enough vaccine for 65 million people by the end of this year.

Pavilion Will be Set UP for Disabled at World Expo Shanghai

During the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, there will be a pavilion for disabled, this is the first time in the history of World Expo's 160-year history.
The pavilion will be titled "Shengming Yangguang", or life sunshine in English. This pavilion will conver 1200 square meters.
Wang Xinxin, vice-chairman of the CDPF(China Disabled Persons Federation), said the pavilion will be an effort to eliminate discrimination and make cities a better place for the disabled.
The pavilion is expected to attract 600,000 people during Shanghai World Expo from May 1st to Oct 31 in 2010.

Sichuan-Tibet Railway is not Ready to Construct

In last post, we talked that the construction of Sichuan-Tibet railway will begin in this month, but The Ministry of Railway denied this today. An unnamed ministry official said the Sichuan-Tibet railway project was only just added to the China's railway construction plan last year, and it is still in planning.
There are a number of geographic obstacles standing there, as a result, some experts said the total cost of railway construction may reach 100 billion.

Construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway Will Start in September

Construction of Sichuan-Tibet Railway Will Start this month. The designed speed of this railway is 200 kilometers per hour, it will take 8 hours to travel about 1629 kilometers from Chengdu to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region.
The railway has been delayed once because of construction difficulties and lack of investment.
After the railway finishes, it will much easier for tourisms to visit Tibet with less cost and more enjoyment.

Fuel Price Raised by 4%

China's National Development and Reform Commission said today that the benchmark retailing prices of petrol and diesel will rise by 300 yuan per tonne, about 44 U.S. dollars. This announcement will take effect on September 2nd.
This is the seventh fuel price adjustment since January 1st, on which this country adopted a new fuel pricing sysytem.

The Number of Regular Direct Flights Between Mainland and Taiwan Increased

Today, CACC (the Civil Aviation Administration of China) said another six cities, including Hefei, Harbin, Nanchang, Guiyang, Ningbo and Jinan are joining mainland cities in operating direct passenger flights between mainland and taiwan. There will be 270 flights per week in total.
The previous 108 direct passenger flights were classed as charter flights, but the coming flights will comprise both regular charter and scheduled flights.
25 out of 27 cities in mainland will launch scheduled direct passenger flights form Monday to Saturday.
History about transportaion between mainland and Taiwan
On Nov.4 last year (2008), regular direct passenger flights bagan to operate, before that, flights were only available on weekend or during the traditional festivals.
On Dec.15 last year (2008), direct air and sea transport links and postal services began to operate.

Education System In China

In this post, I will have a brief introduction of China's education system. It's not in detail, but I think you will have a outline of China's education.
Pre-school or kindergarten is suitable for children older than 3 years old. This is not free, parents who want their children to take pre-school, they have to pay tuition. Childre older than 6 years old usually go to primary school, the children in pre-school usually is 3 to 6 years old.
Primary School
In China, attending primary school and junior middle school is free of charge, it is called compulsory education. Free of charge means no tuition, but you have to pay textbooks and insurance, it's not expensive. Because of Project Hope, in some parts of China, especially in western China, parents don't need  to pay anything, the government or charity organization will help them to pay.
In China, primary school last for 6 years, mainly focus on Chinese and Maths, they will have other courses, such as English, Geography, Science, Physic Education.
Junior Middle School
Junior middle school is a continuation of primary shcool, students study the same core subjects, but at a higher level. Junior middle school is free of charge to, like primart school, students have to pay textbooks and insurance.
After Junior middle shcool, there are two ways for students to choose, one way is senior middle school and the other is vocational school. Senior middle school is more popular, but students have to take an exam, students with enough marks are able to take senior middle school.
Senior Middle School
Senior middle school is a continuation of junior middle school, but at grader two, they have to choose science or humanities curricula. No matter what curricula students choose, they both will have Chinese, Mahts and English. After they finished senior middle school, they have to attend national college entrance exam.
Students have to pay tuition during senior middle school, it's not free of charge any more.
Tertiary Education
Different university have different pass marks at national college entrance exam, better universities always have higher pass marks. Generally speaking, better universities always have better education facilities and equipments.
Undergraduate usually last 4 years, but colleges often last 3 years. Students have to pay tuition for tertiary education, sometime it is expensive, some major like software engineering, students have to pay 15,000 RMB per academic year, but normally, it is about 5,000 to 7,000 RMB per academic year.
With this article, do you have a brief of China's education system?

Have a Second Child for Shanghai Parents

Now, the government encourage one-child parents of shanghai parents to have a second child in order to solve the aging problem.
A report from Shanghai Population and Family Planning Commission said the city's registered residents over 60 exceeded 3 million, accounting for almost 22 percent of the total population.
The city's authorities have launched a campaign to encourage couples who are themselves only children to have a second child, the first time in decades the government has pushed for more babies and the way to solve the city's rapidly aging problem.
Some one want to have another child but some one don't, because according to a report made by East China Normal University this June revealed that in Shanghai it costs 118,000 yuan (US$17,353) to raise a child to the age of six. It's pretty expensive.

The Most Aristocratic Charity School in China

The China Overseas Three Gorges Primary School, built with a donation of 3.5 million yuan (about 512,250 US dollars) from a Hong Kong-based company, opened in Yunyang County of Chongqing on Wednesday, is the most Aristocratic Charity School in China.
Here is the picture of this school:
The chateau-style appearance and it's luxury havs drawn strong criticism, they said it is a waste of money, some one even calculated accurately and said the money spent on this charity school is enough to build 17 normal schools.
Howerver, the students of this school are very happy to see their new school, they are really excited. They only have to pay 30 yuan for their textbooks per year. Besides, school accommodation costs 1,400 a year, or 8 yuan a day. It's not expensive.
No matter what the school likes and other people say, we should thank the development group and their money for the beautiful school.

4 Key Areas of China's Economic Reform

1. Expanding domestic demand to advance reforms aimed to maintain stable and relatively fast growth.
2. To boost reforms that serve economic restructuring and a transition in the growth mode. In addition, the country will boost the development of non-public sector and small and medium-sized enterprises.
3. To push reforms in areas that are of long-term interest to the country.
4. To encourage pilot efforts aimed to deepen economic reform and enhance institutional innovation.