A/H1N1 Flu Vaccine Got a Production License

A/H1N1 flu vaccine produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company Sinovac got the first H1N1 Flu vaccine production license.
The State Food and Drug Administration said that the Sinovac's vaccine passed SFDA's experts evaluatin on Aug 31, and it's name is Panflu 1.
Panflu 1 could safely be given to people who aged from 3 to 60 years old. Every shot is 15 microgram dose.
The vaccine would be reserved by the governement instead of going on public market, and the government will make out an overall plan and decide certain high-risk groups who will get priority vaccination.
Another A/H1N1 flu vaccine produced by Hualan Biological Enginnering will be evaluated this week. Hualan's vaccine is suitable for people over 3 years old.
China would be able to produce enough vaccine for 65 million people by the end of this year.


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