High-Speed Railway Network Started in China

China is very vast, it will cost you a long time if you travel form one place to another by ordinary trains, but now, a high-speed railway network covers 13,000 kilometers is scheduled to be completed in three years.
There are eight tunnels, four tunnels running from north to south and other four running form east to west. It will serve most major cities in China.
Here is a list of north-south trunks
1, from Harbin in Heilongjiang Province to Beijing.
2, from Beijing to Shanghai.
3, from Xiamen to Shenzhen.
4, from Beijing to Guangdong.
The following is a list of east-west trunks
1, from Taiyuan to Jiaodong Peninsula.
2, from Xi'an to Zhengzhou.
3, from Chongqing to Shanghai.
4, from Hangzhou to Kunming.
The above eight tunnels cover most major cities in China, it is said the speed will reach more than 250kms per hour, it amazing, it will shorten a lot of boring time on train when you are travelling around China.
There is no news about the ticket price now, I think it will more expensive than ordinary ticket price, may be double.


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